Jordan Michael Horeth Scholarship 2024



Jordan Michael Horeth Scholarship

A scholarship fund was established in memory of Jordan Michael Horeth, a 19 year old lifetime member of SJN who died on April 7, 2009.  This $2500 scholarship will be awarded to a student in pursuit of furthering their education on a full time basis at an accredited college, university, community college, or trade school.  The applicant’s family must be active, current members of St. John Neumann at least three years.

This is a very unique scholarship.  While the applicant’s academic history is important, it is a small component of the overall criteria.

All high school seniors are encouraged to apply.

For specifics or to apply, you must download the application HERE

All applications must be received NO later than Friday May 24th 2024. 

Interviews will be conducted the evening of May 30th  and awarded at the Baccalaureate Mass on Sunday, June 9th at 5pm.