
Altar Servers

Ministry Chair: Dcn Gary Schrieber            

The role of Altar Server is integral to the celebration of the Mass. They assist the celebrants throughout the ceremony. Some duties include carrying the cross and processional candles, holding the book for the celebrant when he is not at the altar,  presenting the bread, wine, and water during the preparation of the gifts, washing the hands of the priest. When appropriate, a server may also ring the bells as a signal to the faithful.

Boys and girls are eligible to become servers once they have received First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. They should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and carry them out with appropriate reverence.

American Heritage Girls

Ministry Chair- Katherine Moore

American Heritage Girls is the premier national character development organization for young women ages 5-18 that embraces Christian values and encourages family involvement.


“Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country”

Inclusion Policy

All girls of any color, creed, race, national origin and socioeconomic status who agree to live according to the standards of the AHG Oath and the AHG Creed are invited to be a member of American Heritage Girls.


Anniversary Mass

Ministry Chair- Cathy Schoen

Each quarter of the year, at the Saturday Vigil Mass, Fr. John blesses those couples celebrating an Anniversary. A small reception is held in the gathering area. Help is needed with the receptions.



Please make an appointment with Fr. John through the main office

A Church tribunal (a Catholic Church court) declares that a marriage thought to be valid according to Church law actually fell short of at least one of the essential elements required for a binding union.


Youth Sports

Ministry Chair- Lorraine Simka

Each Spring, SJN offers a t-ball, baseball, softball league for youths ages 5-17. The goal is to provide a FUN activity while developing healthy skills and good sportsmanship in a Christian environment. Coaches and assistant coaches are always needed.



Ministry Chair- Marilyn Schrieber

The Bereavement community/volunteers offer an important and unique spiritual and emotional support to our parish. We minister to our parish families, at their request, with a variety of services: Support through our Homebound Eucharistic ministers, funeral service,

prayer and family reception; as well as assisting our clergy with on-call needs..

To volunteer, contact the parish office orMarilyn.


Bowling League

Ministry Chair- Mary Blinn                (704) 545-0420

Do you like to bowl? Consider the SJN Bowling team and compete in a local league. The season runs from September through April and meets every other Sunday evening.


Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Ministry Chair: Meg Stasko

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered during the 9:30 am Sunday Mass. Volunteers are needed to lead the little ones to God by explaining the Mass readings to them at a level they can understand. All supplies and training are provided.



Ministry Chair- Glenda Lliguicota      

Good communication is essential to keeping our parishioners informed about  what is happening in our very active parish. We use every communication tool available to us. As communication formats evolve we are always looking for new and better ways to let our members reach out to us and us to them.

Counting Team

Ministry Chair- Carolyn Coutu

Counting teams meet once a month to count the weekend’s offertory. No accounting experience is needed and there are always experienced counters willing to help guide new volunteers.


Ministry Chair- Mike Horeth (Men’s)

Manon Reiher (Women’s)

The Cursillo Movement is an encounter with Christ, emphasizing the importance of a balanced life of piety, continued spiritual study, and action to keep Christ in the center of our lives. The Cursillo Movement is introduced over a 3-day weekend retreat which includes Mass, daily prayer and reflection, and opportunities for reconciliation and spiritual direction. A series of talks is presented, then discussed in small groups which allow for sharing insights. A variety of schedules is available for both the men and women post-weekend group meetings.


Divine Mercy Chaplet

Ministry Chair -Dcn Gary Schrieber      

We are all called to be saints! This ministry encourages the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, as revealed to St. Faustina. It also sponsors retreats leading to a spirituality that can effectively help us become saints.


Eucharistic Adoration

Ministry Chair-  Cathy Schoen      704-962-0073

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is available from Friday after the 6:30 a.m. mass to the start of the 9:00 a.m. Saturday mass. While the sanctuary is open to all who wish to spend time with Jesus, adorers are needed for each hour time slot to assure a presence at all times. Anyone who would like to commit to a particular hour is encouraged to contact the Ministry Chair.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

Ministry Chair – Jeff Philips  

Eucharistic Ministers are humbled to assist the celebrant in offering the Body and Blood of Christ to those attending Mass. This ministry is open to practicing, confirmed Catholics and training is provided. Ministers are scheduled to serve at the Mass of their choice.


Ministry Chair- John Stasko

Facilities Committee members help to keep the campus looking and functioning its best..  They often hold Fellowship Workdays where everyone is invited to help with some bigger projects.

50+ Club

Ministry Chair – Kim Anderson

The purpose of the 50+ Club is to promote friendship, give aid to fellow members when needed, provide social contacts and promote good will. Some of our projects include being  prayer partners with our First Communicants, collecting food for the food pantry,   and praying for and visiting the sick. The club meets the second Tuesday of the month at 12:00 pm Noon. in the Parish Hall. The meeting includes a program followed by a luncheon.

Food Pantry

Ministry Chair – Chris  Schneider

The Food Pantry at St. John Neumann provides nourishing food items for parishioners in need.  It is open for distribution every Tuesday morning from 9:30 A.M. to 11:30 am and Mondays from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. and is manned by a group of dedicated volunteers. Commercially packaged, non-perishable foods, donated by the parish family can be placed in the designated bins at any time.    


Glenmary Mission

Ministry Chair – John and Marion Casasanta

Glenmary Mission serves our sister parish, St. Luke’s Parish, in Cuthbert, Ga. Several times a year we provide for specific needs through a collection from our parish family.

Giving Manger

Ministry Chair- Janice Pietrowski

Each Christmas parishioners have the opportunity to respond to gift requests from families in need. The donations are then wrapped and distributed through Catholic Charities and other community organizations. Also, the Mitten Tree is a long standing parish tradition. Hats, scarves and mittens, homemade or purchased, are collected and donated.

Greeters and Information Table

Ministry Chair- Janet Button

As we strive to be a welcoming parish, greeters are stationed at the front doors of our church before each weekend mass warmly receiving all who enter.  Also, there is an information desk in the hall manned by additional volunteers to greet and answer questions, especially for visitors and new parish members.

Visitors new to the parish are encouraged to visit the information desk in the hall. Volunteers man the desk before and after weekend masses, ready to give directions, answer questions and assist with parish registration.


Ministry Chairs- Carlos Fuentes & Adrienne Martinez           


History of SJN

Ministry Chair – Lynn Stohl

Parish History


Homebound Parishioner Visits

Ministry Chair- Nancy Fields and Legion of Mary      Please call the Parish Office when requesting a homebound visit.

Volunteer Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist visit and take Communion to parishioners who are unable to attend Mass due to physical limitations. They may be homebound, in the hospital or in an extended care facility.

Knights of Columbus

Ministry Chair – John Silvestri        704-756-8790

The St. John Neumann Knights of Columbus Council #7343 is open to practicing Catholic men age 18+.  The Council works closely with the parish and community, providing volunteers, fundraising and  charitable donations for various projects. Some of the  programs and events supported include: Weekly Adoration Security, the Men’s Shelter prep/ serving, Aid & Support After Pregnancy (ASAP program), American Red Cross blood drives, Coats for kids, Brother Can You Help Metal Recycling, Charlotte Diocese March For Life, Keeping Christ in Christmas, Prison Ministries, Roof Above, Special Olympics, SonFest, Camp SOAR, LAMB Drive, Mira Via, Charlotte’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, and RSVP (support for Seminarians). Visit for more information or contact our Grand Knight. God Bless! 





Ministry Chair – Chris Schneider

Lectors, or Ministers of the Word, provide an essential element of the liturgy by proclaiming scripture. Lectors must possess a pleasant speaking voice and be able to gain and maintain the attention of the assembly, putting life into the written word. Training is provided. Scheduling is by mass preference for weekend masses.




Legion of Mary

Ministry Chair – Tammy Hanf 

The Legion of Mary is a nearly 100-year-old international lay apostolate leading people to Christ through His Blessed Virgin Mother, through prayer and service. It is open to all Catholics. SJN members do the work of Jesus by assisting at funerals, visiting those in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living and home bound.




Liturgy and Worship Committee

Ministry Chair – Christie Silvestri

This committee, comprised of the chairs of the individual liturgy committees, is focused on enhancing the public and private worship of our faith community. Monthly meetings are held to ensure all details of weekly and special liturgical events are handled.



Marriage Encounter

Ministry Chairs- Fred & Rosemarie Belcher    

Worldwide Marriage Encounter provides an opportunity for married couples to make a good marriage great! The weekend experience, given by three team couples and a priest, is an opportunity to explore the relationship together in a Christian environment away from common distractions. Follow-up meetings are held to reinforce the learnings of the weekend and keep the flame glowing.



Marriage Preparation

Fr. John Starczewski          704-536-6520

All couples planning to enter into the sacrament of Holy Matrimony must schedule a meeting with Fr. John before dates can be reserved. Preparation classes will then be scheduled.



Men’s Homeless Shelter

Ministry Chairs – Mike & Karen Horeth

As Jesus calls on us to feed the poor and hungry, SJN Shelter teams take on the task of preparing and serving a fresh cooked meal on the first Saturday of every month at the Men’s Shelter in uptown Charlotte. Each team participates once a month.





Ministry Chair – Soo-Jin Ridgell

The SJN Music Ministry proclaims the goodness of the Lord through liturgical music during weekly worship services and special events.  All voices are encouraged to participate by attending weekly rehearsals and the designated weekend mass. The various choirs include Youth Choir, Adult Choir and Contemporary Choir.



Piney Grove Ministry

Ministry Chair -Maryanne Stasko  

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matt 25:40.  SJN has adopted Piney Grove Elementary School. Drives are held for school supplies, Christmas presents, food and other needs.



Prayer Group and Prayer Chain

Ministry Chair – Linda Johnson

SJN is big on PRAYER. Any prayer intention, for oneself, a loved one or a friend, can be included in the SJN Prayer Chain by sending the information via email to Linda Johnson. The daily list of intentions is sent out, again via email, to all who wish to receive it. The request can be attributed to the sender or done anonymously. Also a weekly prayer group meets at SJN and is open to everyone



Respect Life

Ministry Chair – Dave DeBrosse

SJN’s Respect Life Ministry works in conjunction firstwith the Culture of Life Director of the SJN Knights of Columbus Council 7343.  We coordinate the annual Life-Chain on Respect Life Sunday (the  Sunday in October), attend the annual Charlotte March for Life,  advocate for the respect of all life from conception to natural death and provide free pro-life bumper stickers.



Rosary Makers

Ministry Chair – Terri Wilhelms

The SJN Rosary Makers provide rosaries that are sent in many directions, such as confirmation classes and missions around the world. They are also left at the Blessed Mother statue in our sanctuary for anyone who needs one. Supplies are provided and training is available to learn how to make them. Makers work at home at their own pace.






Ministry Chair – Nancy Fields    Assisting  the pastor in preparation for Mass and helping maintain the Sanctuary. This is a ministry for those with attention  todetail and a sacrificial commitment of time. A Sacristan should have knowledge of the Liturgical Calendar. Training is provided.




Ministry Chair – Gayle Butterfield

Stewardship is a way of life,  giving thanks to God for the blessings we’ve been given by returning a portion of our time, talent and financial resources. It is based on the individual’s need to give, not on the Church’s need to receive. By practicing stewardship we deepen our relationship with the Lord. Stewardship involves intentional, planned and proportionate giving of time, talent and treasure.



Traveling Chalice

Ministry Chair – Barbara Coleman

The purpose of The Traveling Vocation Chalice Program is to encourage families, single persons and couples to pray and promote vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Praying for vocations is the most powerful way for us to support vocations. Those who wish to participate will receive the chalice during Sunday Mass to place it in a place of honor in their home. The family is encouraged to offer daily prayers for an increase in vocations and a deepening of the consecrated life. The chalice is then returned at the end of the week.



Thanksgiving Food Drive

Ministry Chair – Chris Schnieder

Each Thanksgiving parishioners donate food for Thanksgiving dinners. Volunteers pack the boxes to be distributed to families that otherwise would not be able to celebrate this wonderful holiday.





Ministry Chair – Jim & Scarlett Stanley

Ushers enhance the liturgy by assuring the safe flow of the Mass. They assist with seating, collections, Communion and security. Confirmed parishioners are invited to be a part of this ministry and will be assigned to their Mass of choice.