Prayer List

We offer up in prayer those on our list and all those we haven’t listed but know they are struggling. 



Luis Calle Sr & Jr
Miriam Clinard
Del Castorico
John Davis
Lanie & Justin DeBrosse
Magda Dzidzura
Alma Delia Hernandez
Amber Hochadel
Greg Kent
Mary Leaverton
Kerry Lehman
Mary Ann Maher
Minette Myers
Riya Nair
Wilson Ortega
Bud Parks
Larry Rieker
Jim Rizzo
Jane & Irene Sandler
Brian Schriever
Martha & Joe Solch
Tony Tangeman



God always hears our prayers and in His goodness blesses us with His Strength, love and Peace.

Please Note: A New Prayer list has begun as of April 1st and will be updated monthly, to keep or add a name to the prayer list please notify the church office on a monthly basis.